All these little V-day heart boxes are on sale everywhere since the 14th has passed us. Since chocolates have a long shelf life (not in my house, but you know what I mean), I had a vision!
Here are the supplies you need (disregard the Crop A Dile, I was experimenting but realized I didn't need him after all):
2 pieces of orange cs measured around the hearts
green scrap piece of cs
*Trim the scrap piece of green cs 3/4 of the way down. This will be used for the top.
*Adhere orange c/s (I CB'd mine with the distressed stripes folder for texture)
*Add the
green topper with glue by folding down the 1/4 that was left uncut. This will be covered up with cs later. By this time, it should start to resemble a carrot, sort of.
*Cover edges with extra cs or ribbon, wrapping both ends up to the carrot top to cover the base of it.
*Cover edges with extra cs or ribbon, wrapping both ends up to the carrot top to cover the base of it.
Voila! You are done! I added a little tag on mine. I pro
mise you, if I am still making a 4th of July project with Vday candy, then I deserve to be banned from altered projects.
A little bonus project: DD is having a little St. Patrick's get together so I think I'll make these for her classroom. They are just 3 of these heart shaped boxes put together to make a shamrock. At .25 cents per Vday box, 20 kids in her class, I can give out these gifts for a total of $5. My kind of budget! I simply
Thank you for stopping by and for all your wonderful comments! Have a great day~
*Love and Aloha*
*Love and Aloha*
Once again, another BRILLIANT idea from Joni!! You are amazing!!
Your vision and creativity never stops amazing me! Great projects!
OMG Jones~I LOVE the carrot box!!! It is too cute!!! I was going to buy a couple of the boxes to try out your first project but never got a chance. Will have to see if the store by the house still has some so I can try this one. Great Job!!!
HOLY SHIITAKE!!! Joni (or shall I say you AMAZE me every freakin' day!!! I'm not surprised...just completely blown away by the way you see things! And you call me Fabby!? I'm gonna call you "BLOW ME AWAY JONI"!
what a fantastic idea! you are so creative! I love the carrots.... I might have to run out and see if there are any hearts left in the DC area after folks have read your post!
what a awesome idea. You are one creative person.
wow thats such a great idea!! And we have the hearts on sale at the store cheap too!
You are ammmaazzzing! Those are such great ideas! I guess Im too busy reading the gossip magazines when Im at the grocery store!
Those are so cute! What a great idea!
You are a freakin' rock star when it comes to altering! I'm not worthy! ;)
You did it again! I so love the carrot box.
I always have good intentions of altering things. I've got junk lying around just waiting to be altered. Your great work is encouraging me to start doing something with that stuff. You work is so so inspiring!
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