Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! Thank you for coming to the Craft Room Tour. I thought it would be a wonderful way to share our spaces, ideas, storage solutions, and make new friends along the way. I do ask that you kindly consider leaving a comment on these blogs/galleries, as we all enjoy knowing who came to visit our homes. ;)
Grab a comfy chair and your drink of choice, enjoy the tour. :D
My craft space
Kelly of My Bucket Overfloweth
Angie of My Boat
Nina B. of Crafting in Croatia
Martha of Creating Is Fun
Jen of Say It with Stamps
Ann of Creative Antics
Sue of Sue's Sentiments
Stef H of Glitterbabe Greetings
Crystal of Rustic Daisy
Robin of Robin's Artful Musings
Nicole of Anderson Arts
Jodi of Mommy to 4
Sheri of Paper Crafty's Creations
Oooops...I totally forgot about this! :(
What a FUN idea~thanks for being such a wonderfil hostess! :D
Thanks for putting this together, Joni! It's going to be so much fun--like window shopping in the comfort of your own home!
I loved the tour!
I never got my room clean enough to share it - I love your image though!!!
Thanks so much for hosting this Joni! I loved looking at all the different rooms, including yours. :) Gave me a few ideas for my little area
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