I have been blessed with awards from friends, and most recently, this one from the amazing Nina:

"This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content, or design is, in the giver's opinion, brilliant." Wow. Thank you Nina, you know that I feel the same way about your talent!
The conditions of this award:
*Thank the person who gave me this award and link everyone back to their blog.
*List 10 honest things about myself.
*Put this blog award in my sidebar.
*Select and notify at least 7 other bloggers of this award.
So here it goes: Nina is amazing. She is one of the designers for GinaK, There She Goes, and Squigglefly. Her cards are popping up everywhere, most recently in PaperCrafts where she used a Digi Shack image. :D I found her through an SCS forum and we connected immediately. We've contacted each other regularly through emails and our blogs, she has given me such sincere comments and the most encouraging words. Thank you so much Nina!
10 things about myself:
1. I love, thank, and feel empowered by God everyday.
2. I hop out of bed every morning excited about life.
3. I have been blessed with an incredible family (immediate and extended).
4. I believe that we write our own life stories, even when the plots are unexpected.
5. I am an eternal optimist. If your glass feels half empty, pour it into a smaller glass and it will be full again.
6. I am caffeine intolerant. Meaning: if I have a cup of coffee or a glass of pepsi, you better be available when I call you at 2am. :D
7. I cannot stand typos, especially my own. Taking the time to communicate eloquently shows respect for the person(s) that you are addressing.
8. As a military wife, I have learned that everyone's potential is limitless. This was a great lesson learned when he was gone to Iraq. Be self-sufficient.
9. I believe that there is no excuse to have unruly or unkept children. They are a direct reflection of yourself. Be honored that God chose you to raise them.
10. And finally, orange is the happiest color ever. ;)
My 9 nominees:
1. The one and only Fabby Gabby whose dedication amazes me both in her craft room and to her family.
2. Crystal , because her posts keep me smiling, her coloring skills keep me jealous, and noone can "bwahahaha" like she can.
3. Michelle, a fellow GD on Club Anya...visit her blog and you'll see why. I love how she incorporates her daily life with stamping life, amazing passion for both!
4. The incomparable Tammy - sincere, sweet, thoughtful, and so incredibly talented. Her blog makes mine feel like a mess.
5. Melissa for her support and daily comments on my blog. I'm so happy she's finally being recognized on DTs!
6. My extended ohana - Liann. Her HK blog makes me smile, and her comments always make me feel like I'm back home in Hawaii.
7. Sheri, a well deserved award to a dear friend, as I've always admired her work. Thank goodness she finally started a blog. ;)
8. Jen - my bud from back in the day. She knows that I love her even though she's a Buckeye. ha! JK Jen!
9. The fantastic-licious Melyssa (heehee!). We met while chatting online with Marie from TGF one day. It's unbelievable how funny and talented she is. bleh. ;)
Have a wonderful day everyone! My ILs took us out for brunch after church, and now DH is taking me out on a date since they're here to watch the kiddos. Life is soooooo good.
*Love and Aloha*
Oh, my goodness...we have so much in common, except I love coffee. I hate typos, too (used to work as a proofreader, but I know I've gotten sloppy sometimes).
And I 100% heartily agreeing with you on #9. Being missionaries, we are in people's homes all the time and I want my whole family to be a blessing to our hosts. My kids just know when it's time to be goofy and when it's time to be polite. I've been blessed with easy kids and for that I'm thankful. And it helps that my hubby is a good father, too. Life is good because God is good.
Thanks, Joni, for all your kind words. Enjoy your in-laws. We'll be seeing mine in just a few days and hubby and I will finally get to go out on a date :-). My IL are heaven-sent, too. What a blessing that is, esp because we'll be staying with them the whole summer.
i saw that comment about being a buckeye-- and i am a PROUD one at that, longhorn! :wink:
omg...mahalo sista...i totally agree with no.8 and 9. being a military wife made me more self-sufficient as a wife and a mom...and yes your children are reflection of yourself and a gift from God...you are so inspirational....mahalo nui loa
Awww - how sweet! Thank you Joni for the wonderful award. What wonderful things you said about yourself, makes one think about what their own views are and perhaps should change a few.
I promise to work on my nominees and posting my award this evening.
Thank again!
Awww how sweet are you!!!!! Thanks for the award and I totally agree about the children. I think children should not be involved in adult situations and I have o much respect for parents that can keep their kids in line. I love the saying..."You are the mirror and your kids are your reflection"
Self sufficient, I know no other way!!!! Fiance' is gone all the time except for 1 weekend every 3 to 4 weeks.
Thanks Joni
Awww Joni! TYSM for that award! I agree 100% with what Melissa said...I know I can work on a few myself! You're a genuine person with such a wonderful heart and like I said before...I'm so lucky to have you as a friend!
I'll work on mine and post it ASAP! I need to check a thesaurus for lots of words to describe you! :P BTW...I spell checked...HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Awww Joni!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful award! And just think without your suttle nudging I wouldn't have a blog...hee hee
You SOOOO deserve it!
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