Hi everyone!
I normally don't do a second post but after talking with my sister and remembering that day 8 years ago, I decided to do a spontaneous giveaway here on my blog.
In honor of our fallen heroes and their families, I am giving away Rescue Ian and Angel Anya. All you need is to post a comment here about what 9/11 means to you and I will randomly draw a winner on the 15th during my other blog giveaway.
Hugs and happy day to you all~
*Love and Aloha*
Someone we knew was in the towers on that day, it brings back some sad memories .. very nice idea for a giveaway! Hard to believe it's been 8 years already!
We dont live in America, but every year on 9-11 we light a candle in memoriam of all the people who left their lifes on this bad day.
Joni, What a nice thing for you to do!
Although I didn't know anyone personally who lost their life or the life of a loved one, my heart goes out to each and every one of them! Our country has changed a lot since then. We are free due to our Men & Women who give their lives in the Military. I work at a VA hospital, so I get to care for those who have served us!!
Joni, that is such a nice thing to do! I will never forget that day as Kyle was a baby and I was home when we got word what was going on and my cousin Jason was away at Georgetown for school and we couldn't get in touch and we were all so scared. Then with all the speculations of more attacks I was a nervous reck with Brian driving over the golden gate bridge since they said San Fran and brige would probably be a target. I have great respect for the military and rescue workers!!
What a thoughtful post and giveaway of such perfect images. We were among the fortunate who had relatives that worked there but weren't in the buildings at the time. It's still so shocking to think of all who were lost in such a senseless way.
you know the country song "have you forgotten" ? oh my goodness makes me cry every time I hear it.
9/11 well I still remember the day like it was yesterday I actually heard it on the radio 1st in teh car dropping my dad off at work before getting my sister and I to highschool. when we got to school we sat in the car just listening on teh radio until th elast second we had to get to class. for days after we had prayer circles around the base of the flag out front of the school. Flaggs all around dropped to half mast to show their respect and mourning for those lost, and ever year on teh anniversary a prayer circle still gathers and we still remember
even though we were on the other side of the country it was as if time stood still for the day. everyone was in disbelief and classes halted their normal schedules. teachers had tv's with the news, or teh radios going in most all the classes...my history class became a creative writting class for the day almost instead of learning about past history we were writing about the history we were experiencing and whitnessing that very day. that year I was on the year book staff as an editor and I had the pleasure of doing a memorial page.
I could never image the experience, but years later after college my job brought me to new york, my 1st trip ever and I was sick as could be it was january or february is was soooooooooooooo cold!! i got the worste cold but that didnt matter I only hade a few hours of freedom teh morning of the day we were leaving (like i said it was a business trip) and that was my main stop. By now it was a construction site for the new building and in teh middle of teh grounds was an american flag waving. there were large photographs of 9/11 posted and all sorts of facts printed on signs for those who visited, but the most touching and memorable part was the fact that all these years later there were still memorials being left behind there were photos and letters and flowers. though I am sure it was minature compared to right after it had happened, or say on teh actual anniversary of the event, but this cold morning in february and there were still people remembering and brought to tears by the thought of what had happened and all that came to mind was that I would never forget.
It's hard to believe it's been 8 years! I remember it like it happened yesterday, a sad day I'll never forget. Being an Army wife, 9/11 reminds me what my husband is fighting for. These stamps are perfect for today, it's so nice of you to give them away. Thanks for the chance to win these cute stamps =)
OH Joni, you are so sweet. I am so thankful you picked me to be on your design team.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to post our thoughts about 9/11. As I reflect back on that day 8 years ago, I still shed a tear. It was a horrific day in so many ways. My heart breaks for those of you who were more personally affected than I was. I didn't know anyone who was lost that day. I did lose some sense of safety/security. But I also gained something. My love for my nation has grown; my respect for our firemen, police, etc. has grown; my appreciation for volunteers has grown; my desire to make the most of each day has grown. I feel blessed to be part of this great nation. Hugs!!!
Jonesy Pooh that is so sweet of you!
I will never forget that day as long as I live. We lived in Jacksonville. I was shopping {in garden ridge} with my good friends Frances and Eunice. Their husbands Mike and Jason were headed home on a carrier ship, they had been deployed for several months and headed home. It was such a sad day not only for the victims and their families but for the military wives waiting on their husbands to come home after a long mission. Needless to say they knew their husbands deployment wasnt over because they had to go and protect our country. I thank god every single day for all the men and women who fight for our freedom.NOt to mention their families that give so much of themselves to our freedom! I am glad to be American!
hi joni... how kind of you..
september 11th is a day that is very meaningful to me..as i know it is to most americans...
the impact of that day...and those horrific , moments on that sunny morning reach far and wide..and have forever changed the lives of countless people..for many different reasons...
for me...having grown up on staten island in a town across the water from manhattan...with the twin towers being part of the backdrop of my life...the view from my home..and a place that was very much a part of my life..the loss is multi faceted... but in the forefront of the significance is that fact that on that day...more than 30 of my lifelong and childhood friends..and neighbors form my current adult/married life died...the loss was and is staggering....
and the vision and thought of my friends simply living their normal lives as regular working class individuals...firemen and cops... and having their lives taken from them in this manner is something that those of us left behind...have to work so hard to accept..and live with...if we think too hard about the details.....it is haunting..disturbing..and the sadness is overwhelming
september 11th...is..and always will be
a day for me to dedicate time to remember those friends..both in thought..and in prayer...
so each year..on 9-11...i take the day off...to have a low key day...void of the regular routine.. i watch the memorial on tv...and still after all of these years...when they read the names of those that i knew and loved...its hard to not be filled with tears...
but inevitably..i also allow myself to not only mourn the loss..but also to remember the fun times...good times...their smiles..the sound of their voices..and the precious time that we did have together...i also give lots of thought to my friends who survived that day...and truly are testimony to the fact that miracles DO happen...
there are so may reminders in my life each day..so 9-11 isnt the only day that I think of these 30+ people... there are streets and parks, memorial gardens and monuments and schools named after them...i see their wives..husbands..children...parents...their homes..and the places we went to together..the places we frequented..went to school..and "hung around"...i have treasured photos that bring back so many memories...the reminders of time with those cherished people are countless...and altho the void never fills..despite the passage of time... its is those memories that sting..and well as comfort...in their stark and obvious absence.
this day...9-11...is part of the losses...and it will always remain...part of the remembering...and it will always be deservant of my time..my attention..my respect and my thoughts...
i was born and raised NY and watched them (literally) build those towers. i can't begin to tell you how many hours i spent there - job related. when i hear the first plane hit, it was like an arrow to my heart. i could not believe what i was seeing and hearing. how dare someone take a part of my life! to watch the news on this day every year is very hard for me and i really try not to. but i pray for the people who lost their lives needlessly on that day. i will ALWAYS remember!
I work in a Nursing Home in activities... and we wanted the residents to be a part of the Pledge around America today~ we gathered residents in a circle, said the Pledge of Allegence, held hands and had a silent time to pray for those that died and for those that serve our country. It was a special time for us all. We pinned yellow ribbons on our friends and took time to Remember that day on 9/11~
Wow, 8 years. I was in college at the time and heard something on the radio but continued to class. We talked about it in class a bit but didnt' know how serious things were. Now I remember the days after and calling all those I loved, grateful I didn't know anyone hit hard. Today I make sure to hug those I love a big harder and I always tell my first graders that before they were born something sad happened on this day. After the pledge we have a moment of silence and send a happy thought to the soldiers overseas who help keep us safe.
Joni - you are just a sweetheart. How thoughtful of you to think of the fallen ones. I am forever thankful for their bravery and their sacrifices made for all of us - because of them, we see the world through different eyes now. Blessings!
You are so thoughtful to do this Joni! I think it is important that we remember 9/11. I don't think any of us should forget about this day, and not just because so many people died, but because we stood up afterwards and refused to let Al Queda see us as a weak and battered country. It should be a day of prayer and rememberance. Thank and support our troops for all that they do for us. I have friends who are fighting for our country to make this a better and safe place for us. Who sacrificed a lot for us and may we continue to keep them safe and pray they will be coming home to their families. God bless America!
Joni you are so generous and thoughtful! Of course, being in Canada, I wasn't directly affected by a loss on 911, but I will always remember hearing the news and being glued to the radio during work and the tv at home. There are certain images that will remain with me for always...and not the ones of the planes hitting, either.
Very touching to read these comments. It amazes how this touches those the same so far away as it does to those of us close to home.
i remember some of my coworkers and i going into an office and holding hands in a circle....and we prayed together. it all seemed like a bad dream...but was so glad to work in an environment where we all could come together and pray.
also a touching memory(i am a peds nurse)is an Islamic family feeling grateful that we treated them with the same compassion and care as we would have before 9-11
Oh Jonie, it is so sweet of you to do this. I remember 9/11 as a day that I spent worrying and waiting for my DH to call me since he was in basic training and I was at my MOm's with out little 3 year old... I was so scared we were going to go to war right away and my family would be ripped apart. But that didn't happen and now I think of 9/11 as a day to be blessed and remember our blessings such as our freedom as Americans.
oops, I spelled your name wrong. Sorry, I just was typing too fast! Sorry!
Wow! What a sweet give away Joni! I can't believe it's been 8 years. That was such a sad sad day. We were stationed in Hawaii at the time and my husband called and woke me up to tell me about it and told me not to leave the base. I just sat there glued to the tv. I felt like I couldn't move. I cried and felt so helpless. My heart just ached for all the people in NY or PA and their loved ones. Hugs!
On 9/11 my boyfriend was out of town, which he was 90% of the time so I really never kept track of where he was on any given day. If I needed him, I'd just call his cell. He called me and asked what the heck was going on. He was in DC and was being held on the tarmack until they unloaded the plane and cancelled the flight. I told him what happened and to rent a car because all flights had been grounded. He went to his next meeting in PA which had been canceled of course. So he headed home in his rental car. I was never so happy to see him! He figures he was on the tarmack at the same time as the plane that hit the Pentagon.
Anyway, it taught me to be more thankful for loved ones!!!
Joni ~ These stamps are so appropriate for this day! Wow ~ it's hard to believe it was 8 years ago. I remember being cuddled up in bed with my two little ones (my oldest, that was actually due on 9/11, was 3 days away from turning 2 and my youngest at the time was a few weeks shy of 6 months). I was watching some show and then all of a sudden the newsflash came on ~ I couldn't believe what I was seeing. In the back of your mind you always fear that something could happen to your kids, but on that day the fear was brought to light ~ who knew what the next few days, let alone hours held in store for all of us? My MIL was in Germany at the time and was delayed so of course we were also worried about her return trip home.
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